Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Research Zeros in on Manipulating Neural Pathway to Treat Cocaine Addiction Permanently

We live in an age of innovation, where researchers can literally manipulate every cell in our bodies down to the last neuron to induce favorable change, and that’s what The University of Buffalo is doing to treat cocaine addiction permanently. By studying alongside companion lab rats (because seriously, where would science be without them?) researchers have isolated the chemical reactions created in the brain induced by the stress of withdrawal from cocaine. By studying the manner in which the substance affects the biological structure, scientists have been able to manipulate a receptor called Activin, which subsequently allowed researchers to either increase or decrease cocaine use in their lab companions, according to the Medical Daily.

The Medical Daily quotes senior author David Dietz,

“There are changes in the brain caused by drug use and that occur and persist, but are only unmasked after withdrawal from a drug- in this case, cocaine. Cocaine use alters the connections between certain neurons through changes in the shape of the cells.”

Although researchers aren’t 100% certain as to what the connection between Activin and addiction is yet, further study will be conducted to isolate how the link between the pathway and addiction may be utilized to eradicate cocaine addiction permanently. The Medical Daily quotes Dietz,

“Understanding this critical pathway will help us pursue new directions in potential pharmacological and gene therapies to prevent drug relapses. If we can control this pathway, we may be able to help prevent relapses in people who have been abstinent from cocaine.”

Treating addiction on a biological scale in the future may prove to expedite the treatment process of addiction exponentially, as there would be no guess work involved. Like doctors treating a case of strep throat, cocaine addicts, in the near future, may be freed from the throes of addiction with a simple shot designed to manipulate Activin. This is definitely the best of both possible worlds, but some are skeptical that using pharmaceutical products to treat addiction is taking a giant step back.

Those against using medications to moderate addiction and subsequent cravings for recovering patients believe the medications used to prevent relapse are in turn creating new found addictions to the very medications used to eradicate addiction forever. Whatever your stance on the matter, utilizing the medications we have available to prevent fatal overdoses and relapses is what addiction and recovery treatment is all about.


Do you think we should be treating addiction on a cellular level?


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The post Research Zeros in on Manipulating Neural Pathway to Treat Cocaine Addiction Permanently appeared first on Harbor Village Florida.

from Misc http://ift.tt/1N5ewNr via Heroin Rehab Dallas

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