Wednesday, June 17, 2015



Hallucinogens are a diverse group of drugs which causes users to experience visual, auditory and various sensory hallucinations;  essentially distorting users perception of reality. There are a variety of hallucinogens used by hallucinogen users, most commonly LSD, peyote, psilocybin, and PCP. Hallucinogens ultimately cause complications in one’s ability to communicate and think clearly. This group of drugs possess the capability of disrupting the interaction between nerve cells and serotonin throughout the central nervous system. The disruption caused in the serotonin structure enables hallucinogens to alter the way in which the brain processes information.

Unlike some other addictive substances, the effects of hallucinogens produce varying effects in different users at various times; effects are contingent upon the user’s personality and brain chemistry. Hallucinogen users commonly experience a “trip” in which their senses and perception of reality are altered, and they are in a state of euphoria. A psychedelic effect is also usually experienced. With the effects of this drug being so unpredictable, hallucinogens are extremely dangerous. When users become out of touch with reality, they are more vulnerable to place themselves in dangerous, or even fatal situations, especially when experiencing a “bad trip”.

Some of the short term effects of using hallucinogens include hallucinations, body tremors, increase in heart rate, and paranoia. The long term effects of hallucinogens can cause long lasting psychoses or the development of mental health disorders such HPPD (hallucinogen persisting perception disorder). Similar to any other drug addiction, users tend to have trouble breaking an addiction to hallucinogens. Users that have a bad experience or “bad trip”, usually experience such horrifying effects they tend not to use hallucinogens again.

With hallucinogens having such an unpredictable effect on it’s users, withdrawal symptoms for this drug are not stereotypical. Users typically experience psychological symptoms rather with minimal physical withdrawal symptoms. Some symptoms include:

  • Flashbacks
  • Cravings
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Inability to experience pleasure

The post Hallucinogens appeared first on Harbor Village Florida.

from Misc via Heroin Rehab Dallas

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