Friday, August 21, 2015

Will Money Seized from Drug Dealers Be Enough to Keep Stores of Narcan for Overdose Victims?

The heroin epidemic continues to plague all corners of the nation. Earlier this week CBS Pittsburgh reported a rash of 17 heroin overdoses- three of those victims are now dead. It’s not enough to lament the reports, we have to take action and do something about it. But what can we do?

Without proper heroin rehabilitation, it’s difficult (to say the very least) to kick heroin addiction, if not outright impossible. As public opinion begins to slowly shift from blaming drug users for their medical conditions (and yes, addiction has been merited a disease for a long time), slowly but surely, communities around the nation are creating valuable resources wherein struggling patients in recovery can get immediate help and encouragement. Many recovery apps are popping up both in the Apple store and Google play store, helping addicts to instantly connect with their support groups immediately.

Keep Up With Trending Addiction News Follow us: Facebook | Twitter | Google+ | Pinterest | InstagramOf the 17 heroin overdoses in Washington County three were revived with Narcan- an opiate antagonist which rescues the respiratory system and clears the body’s opiate receptors, allowing victims of overdose to breathe again. But Narcan comes at a cost. Those in need of the lifesaving drug will immediately experience withdrawal.

There is strong opposition to Narcan from some who believe the drug will allow addicts to continue wantonly abusing drugs, with assurance they will be resuscitated.

It would appear those worrying about saving lives with Narcan aren’t taking into consideration the chronic anxiety among the community struggling with substance abuse to avoid withdrawal at all costs. Even if that means not going into treatment, despite one’s wants and needs to recover safely.

But where does Narcan come from?

Drug dealers!

Well, not quite, but sort of.

The state has reallocated illicit money collected from drug dealers to buy the medication responsible for saving victims in the perils of addiction. If that’s not justice, I don’t know what is. But will the money taken from convicted drug dealers be enough to keep the stores of Narcan stocked?

In some parts of the country, funding for Narcan is severely limited and impedes on the public’s access to the medication- infringing upon the availability of the drug to first responders and police officers. Once the drug dealers are put away, where will funding for Narcan come from? It may be a reality we have to face in the not-so-distance future.


What’s your stance on the great Narcan debate?


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The post Will Money Seized from Drug Dealers Be Enough to Keep Stores of Narcan for Overdose Victims? appeared first on Harbor Village Florida.

from Misc via Heroin Rehab Dallas

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