Hillary Clinton by Spark licensed under CC by 4.0
Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign strategy has largely comprised of traveling from state to state to listen to the people of the nation’s everyday concerns. Clinton was surprised to hear one purveying social problem affect the entire spectrum of the American people: substance abuse and drug addiction. The Wall Street Journal quotes the presidential hopeful,
“I have to confess – I was surprised. I did not expect that I would hear about drug abuse and substance abuse and other such challenges everywhere I went.”
In response Clinton has tasked her advisers to seek out the leading innovators in addiction treatment in the hopes of constructing national solutions to abate the disease of addiction. Clinton has attested drug addiction, along with mental health disorders, should be merited as a legitimate health concern.
In addition to her campaign for helping those with addiction get help, Hillary is asking responsible gun owners to help her come up with solutions, and support her intent, to bar those with substantial mental health concerns from obtaining firearms.
Although Hillary has not made any official proposals on how she intends to tackle the nationwide addiction epidemic, she is quoted wanting to hear what the experts say before weighing in, or creating policies, on what should be done.
According to On The Issues, during Clinton’s failed presidential candidacy in 2008, Clinton planned to tackle substance abuse by implementing diversion programs,
“I outlined proposals to reduce both crime and the size of our prison population. For example, tough but fair reforms of probation and drug diversion programs to deal swiftly with violations, while allowing nonviolent offenders who stay clean to stay out of prison. I called for putting more officers on our streets, with greater emphasis on community policing to build trust while fighting crime, as well as new support for specialized drug courts & juvenile programs.”
It’s still too soon to tell what will come of the 2016 presidential campaign, but those who tackle the national epidemic of substance abuse and addiction will certainly have an untapped pool of potential voters on their side.
Many struggling with addiction want help, but simply do not know how to reach out and get it. In some parts of our nation resources for addicts are few and far between. As a presidential hopeful, if Hillary can mobilize addiction treatment for the rural parts of the states and work to reduce the general stigma of addiction, even outside of the presidential running, she will save the lives of thousands.
Featured Image: Hillary Clinton by Mike Davidson licensed under CC by 2.0
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