Monday, August 24, 2015

Fear The Walking Dead Tackles Addiction, and It Hurts

Yes, one of my guilty pleasures is watching zombies tear unsuspecting humans, who always seem to trip at the absolute worst times, to shreds- but last night, when Fear The Walking Dead aired for the first time, I was treated to something I wasn’t expecting. And no, it wasn’t the startlingly real costume makeup the zombie actors are embellished with (but there was that too). Fear The Walking Dead is humanizing addiction through one of its main protagonists, Nick (also called Nicky). Without giving too much away- to be honest, everything that I’ll touch on in this intro. will be revealed within the first few minutes of the show- Nick is a heroin addict trapped in the perils of addiction and is launched unapologetically into the world of zombie madness. Throughout his character’s introduction we are given a glimpse into the world of someone with an acute heroin use disorder.

We first meet Nick at an abandoned church, where he has presumably been for quite sometime on a heroin binge. Throughout the first episode we are introduced to Nick’s family, who has been trying to help Nick get clean for an extended period of time- and they are visibly both physically and mentally exhausted from the ordeal. Eventually through a series of circumstances I shall not reveal, for the sake of those who have not yet seen the episode yet, Nick escapes his heroin den and reunites with his family who scramble to check him into rehab.

At first Nick is reluctant, but eventually comes around. But our idealistic vision of easing Nick into rehabilitation is shattered when he desperately attempts to get high again, scrounging in an undisclosed location (for those who haven’t seen it yet!) to find a fix. As an audience we are floored into the reality of addiction between a conversation with Nick and his sister who says,

“Do you really mean it this time [that you’ll get clean]?”

“I always meant it.”

Fear The Walking Dead pulls no punches. Nick is physically riddled by his addiction, and throughout the series of events in just the first episode we are given a glimpse into the mental aspects of the disease too. Of course, Nick’s particular case of addiction is compounded with inconvenient zombie encounters, but life isn’t perfect.

One of the best parts about how Fear The Walking Dead tackles addiction is the many stages his family goes through in trying to remedy his condition.

First there is the ever doting parent, attempting to do everything in their power to help their loved one recover, then there’s the questioning parent who isn’t sure s/he can take much more of the abuse that comes in the territory of untreated substance use disorders, and finally- and by far the most compelling and heartbreaking, is the family member who has cared deeply and has lost all hope their loved one will recover- and has become bitter from the process of it.

If zombies aren’t your thing, I would still recommend Fear The Walking Dead to anyone who wants an inside glimpse inside the realm of addiction to better understand those who are struggling with the disease. And who doesn’t love zombie drug dealers too?


Do you think Fear The Walking Dead is portraying addiction as it should be?

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The post Fear The Walking Dead Tackles Addiction, and It Hurts appeared first on Harbor Village Florida.

from Misc via Heroin Rehab Dallas

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