Monday, June 8, 2015

Demi Lovato Talks Addiction and Involvement in New Mental Health Awareness Campaign

Demi Lovato overcomes addiction

22-year old singer, Demi Lovato spoke in a recent interview on NBC’s Today Show about her addiction, bipolar disorder, and being named the face of a new mental health awareness campaign.

The singer has publicly battled with addiction for many years. She was enrolled in rehab at the age of 18, in 2010. In that same year she was also diagnosed with bipolar disorder. The singer admits that she was self medicating and using drugs and alcohol like many teens do to numb the pain. However, Lovato is now clean and recently celebrated three years of sobriety in March. Lovato stated that she’s currently in a great place mentally after overcoming  her battle with bipolar disorder and drug and alcohol addiction for years.

E! quotes Lovato,

“I wish that more people could understand from a point where it’s not a choice to have an addiction. And with bipolar disorder, it’s a chemical imbalance and it’s something that you have to figure out your own treatment with your own team and in order to do that, it takes time. And finally, I’m in a great place where I can say that recovery is possible.”

Lovato credits her manager, her boyfriend, and her fans for helping her get through her recovery with their support. Her story is a prime example recovering addicts need their loved ones support for successful recovery. Lovato stated that on her harder days she imagines what would happen as a result of her using or drinking again, and that helps her stay clean.

Lovato also announced that she was named the celebrity spokesperson for the new Be Vocal: Speak Up for Mental Health campaign. In her interview she shared her sentiments that she believes mental illnesses aren’t discussed in society as much as they should be. In her efforts to raise awareness about mental illnesses, she has joined forces with this new campaign.

Campaigns like the Be Vocal: Speak Up Mental Health campaign are great initiatives for raising awareness about the detriments of mental illness. Similar to mental illness, addiction is a disease which doesn’t get much recognition. Celebrities such as Demi Lovato whom have experienced addiction before are great for raising awareness since they have a following and fan-base to get the word out to.


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from Misc via Heroin Rehab Dallas

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